Your Personal Job Search Coach
CategoriesFor Career Seekers
Improving your job search to ensure the right fit and long term job satisfaction.
Whatever the reason you may be currently searching for a new job opportunity, taking the time to objectively evaluate what is right for you is a critical aspect of ensuring the right fit and long term job satisfaction. From understanding the place your career has in your life, to the right job, the right company and the right culture fit, our Consulting Team members can help you make sound choices. They can also assist you with:
- Preparing a professional, tailored résumé – a personal marketing brochure that has impact
- Unravelling job ads and tailoring your response
- Interview tips and guidelines, including how to adapt to different social styles
- Matching job opportunities to your career objectives
- Ensuring you stay motivated during the job search and providing support pre and post interview
- Taking control of your personal information.
Costs are reasonable, and a quotation will be given to you once the complexity of the work involved is known.
To enquire about Your Personal Job Search Coach, please click here…